List of Accepted Papers : View The acceptance rate is 22%.
Due to the COVID-19 situation COCOLE 2022 is going to be virtual Last Date of Submission :- 30-06-2022, 10-07-2022 (First Extension), 15-07-2022 (Submission Closed) Notification of Acceptance :- 30-08-2022 Last Date of Registration :- 15-09-2022 Camera Ready Submission :- 15-09-2022

Paper Submission

Paper Templates

Latex Template : Download

Word Template : Download

Reference Website : Click Here

The scope of this conference is focused and includes the following topics (But not limited to):

A) Computing

Autonomic, adaptive, dependable computing

Quantum computing

Parallel computing

Distributed computing

Services computing and cloud computing

Fog and edge computing

Osmotic Computing

Green computing

High performance computing

Graphics and Immersive computing

Pervasive computing

Internet computing

Scientific computing

Business process computing

Spatial computing

Supercomputing systems

Software evolution and mining

Architectural concepts for systems

Network science, social networks, collective intelligence

B) Communication

Emerging technologies for next generation network


Future Internet architecture, protocols and services

Content- and service-centric architecture

Mobile and ubiquitous networks

Self organizing/autonomic networking

Green networking

Internet content search

QoS and multimedia networking

Opportunistic networking

On-line social networks

Internet of things

Public safety communication networks

Network applications (web, multimedia streaming, VoIP, gaming, etc.)

Trust, security and privacy in computer and communication networks

Modeling, measurement and simulation

Complex network models

Internet socio-economic models

Experimental test-beds and research platforms

Algorithmic aspects of communication networks

Network scaling and limits

C) Learning (Problems & Methods)
I) Learning Problems



Recognition, and prediction

Problem solving and planning

Reasoning and inference

Data mining

Web mining

Information retrieval

Natural language processing

Design and diagnosis

Vision and speech perception

Robotics and control

Combinatorial optimization

Game playing

Industrial, financial, and scientific applications of all kinds

II) Learning Methods

Supervised and unsupervised learning methods

Reinforcement learning

Evolution-based methods

Explanation-based learning

Analogical learning methods

Automated knowledge acquisition

Learning from instruction

Visualization of patterns in data

Learning in integrated architectures

Multistrategy learning

Multi-agent learning